Einstein Is right

 Again Einstein is right! 

Albert Einstein, (born March 14, 1879, Württemberg, Germany—died April 18, 1955, (U.S.), German-born physicist who developed the special and general theories of relativity and won the Nobel Prize for Physics in 1921 for his explanation of the photoelectric effect. Einstein is generally considered the most influential physicist  of the 20th century.

The scientific community has always criticized Albert Einstein for the strange theories that he was bringing at the time!

 And they say "what are these myths that you come up with, Albert,". And then it was only a few years later and his theory was proved, but this time it was different because Einstein's theory was proven one hundred year after it was published!

Tenth of April 2019.

Once again Einstein is right! 

The first image in history of a giant black hole was discovered, the area of the hole is 40 billion kilometers, which is three times the size of the Earth, and its mass is 6.5 billion times the mass of the sun, and because of this scientists called it "a monster". This hole is 500 quadrillion kilometers from Earth, and quadrillion is worth a million trillion. A network of 8 telescopes from all over the world participated in its photography.

The first image in history of a giant black hole   

Milky Way’s Black Hole.
First, what are black holes? 

     Black holes are space objects with a very large     mass and are compressed into a small size,     which makes this hole have a very large gravity.

As for the name, it is due to the fact that it is dark and does not deliver any light, because there is simply no light that bounces back from it, so that we cannot see it, all the light is absorbed inside the hole because gravity of the hole is very high. 

As for the types of black holes, they are divided into four types:

First, the stellar black hole: It is the type that results from the death or explosion of stars, and this is one of the most famous black holes in the universe.

The second type is a supermassive black hole: a type of hole that exists only in the core of galaxies, to the extent that there is a theory that all galaxies have a supermassive and small black hole at its core. 

 The third type is a medium-mass black hole: this has a mass of 5 to 100 times the mass of the Sun. 

 The fourth type, which is the primordial black hole: This is a type of rare black hole, scientists believe that it exists, but we still do not see any trace until now, because it was formed during the Big Bang, and this type of hole was generated during the expansion and inflation of the universe after the Big Bang, where some contractions occurred to the space-time fabric that left behind primary or primitive black holes. 


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